Happy New Years with Kniepertjes!

Wauw, it's been a while hasn't it? Last month December was way too busy for me to even leave a note to say I'm busy. Christmas can be a busy time right? I'm sure everyone was busy with preparations...

That's not what kept me busy though. Oh, surely the weekends were filled with that. But there were another 5 days in every week on which I was going to work for my apprenticeship. That meant waking up before 5, coming home at 7 and going to bed before 10 and working loads in between. There was no time or energy left to even look at my blog. Which killed me little bits every time. 

Now I'm done! Well, nearly done. But at least I don't have to get up so early any longer. So now I can start the new year freshly with more posts!

This recipe is from my grandma: traditional Dutch kniepertjes! This kind of recipe is handed down from mother to daughter. You won't really find kniepertjes anywhere but in peoples homes these days. These thin crunchy 'cookies' with an anise flavour are made and eaten on New Year's Eve and New Years Day. Add some whipped cream and you're all set for celebrating the new year!

lots* - recipe by my grandma

500 grams flour
250 grams sugar
2 eggs
250 grams butter
2-4 tablespoons liquor (optional)
25 grams anise powder
25 grams anise seeds
about 1/2 liter milk

1. Melt the butter. Combine it with the eggs, sugar, flour and anise in a large bowl.
2. Add the liquor with as much milk as needed to form a creamy dough. It should be quite runny.
3. Pour a small spoon of batter on a cookie/ice cream cone/pizzelle iron and close for about a minute until golden brown.
4. Take the cookie out with tweezers or a spoon, and roll! This needs to happen quickly as the cookies turn hard very fast. A slightly warm surface helps. And heat-proof hands. And a cylinder stick of about a fingers thickness to roll it on.
5. Leave to cool (that goes real fast!). Eat plain or fill with whipped cream**.

* According to my grandma you can make 120 kniepertjes in roughly 3 hours with this recipe. I think both the amount and time are slightly exaggerated, but it's safe to say 'lots'.
** Seriously, fill it with cream.

My grandma explained how, on New Year's Eve, people would eat kniepertjes in the shape of flat circles. It would represent the whole previous year, which would be all over (round) and clear to you (open). On New Year's Day the kniepertjes would be rolled up, 'the contents invisible', as you do not yet know what is ahead of you the upcoming year. I didn't know there was quite so much symbolism behind these cookies!

I really hope you enjoy the recipe! I'll be back with more very soon and hopefully I can get back into my routine of posting once weekly when I've got all the deadlines over and done with!

Happy New Year everyone! I wish you guys all the best :)
